omar vega macotela

Omar Vega Macotela Founder of the HDC Institute (Health, Disease and Criminality Institute) , starts his studies at the university of arts ENPEG “La esmeralda” (2007-2011), then he starts his internship on relational art at the multi-media seminar MM4 (2011-2013). After the seminar he will live and work in the countryside bringing his relational practices to the beekeeping and hunting communities of the Mexico Valley (2013-2017). Afterwards Omar entered the residency program of the Rijsakademie van beeldende kunsten (2018-2019) where he would bring the practice used in beekeeping, planting and hunting to contemporary art systems.  

Omar’s work consists of the analysis and reconfiguration of historical elements through their materiality, in order to transform their discourse, based on the contrast with other systems of knowledge. As a starting point, Omar’s practice analyzes the symbolic value of these materials in the contexts where they belong, dismantling the elements that determine their meaning through processes of transformation, using as an axis the relationship that exists between these components and the concepts of transmigration, transfiguration and transmutation, which he combines in his work as narrative processes. Omar’s development is of an interdisciplinary and processual nature, using different models of knowledge to elaborate visual essays. Starting from his experience as a hunter, beekeeper and farmer, Omar analyses and transforms elements of his environment. His practice starts from the understanding of context as a system of relationships that contains different symbolic capitals, which he configures to generate poetic structures and thus elaborate meanings and images.

Omar’s work has been presented in several museums such as Fundación Pedro Meyer, MUAC, Carrillo Gil. Currently his practice focuses on  the development community methods of knowledge, monstrosity and decoloniality. 

(Omar’s Red Door Project contribution will be posted here soon)