antonio vega macotela

Antonio Vega Macotela’s artwork is multidisciplinary and designed to come to life in specific communities and sites. He often avails of the exchange, the interaction and the cooperation with different social groups such as Prisoners, Miners, Soldiers and more recently Hackers. Besides the sphere of contemporary art he is interested in other disciplines, such as Sociology, Philosophy, Economics and Coding, so long as they study systems of representation, and the narrative of concepts such as work, time and energy, which are the backbone of all my artistic research.

He studied at Escuela Nacional de Artes Plasticas (ENAP) in Mexico City. After three semesters at school,, together with some other artists of his generation,decided to create an alternative academic endeavor.  They named it Medios Múltiples, their primary goal was to generate a space that rejected traditional art teaching. It was during that period that he began to work in my first multidisciplinary project Time Divisa: the work was developed inside a prison reflected about Economy, Time, and social change.

 Antonio Vega Macotela has  exhibited in most of the Mexican museums. His  first international show was in 2009 in the Sao Paulo Biennial. In the same year, he was accepted in the Rijksakademie Van Beldende Kunsten, since then, he has lived here and there. Among other exhibitions, he has  shown his work in the 14th Istanbul Biennial, the Second Triennial of the New Museum in NY, Manifesta 9 in Genk Belgium,  Prospect 3 in New Orleans, dOCUMENTA 14 and The Hammer Museum in Los Angeles 

(Antonio’s Red Door Project contribution will be posted soon)